Friday, 16 March 2012

'To do' list

As I have a bad memory I have decided to write myself these little 'To do' lists to remind me of the things I'm behind on.  This is my latest one:

  1. Write my first article/paper for The Enlightenment Project's politics group.
  2. Read the rest of The Selfish Capitalist.
  3. Write a poem dedicated to all those who sent prayers and best wishes when I needed them during Merlin's illness.
  4. Write an article about cruelty to animals.
  5. Write my first article/paper for The Enlightenment Project's philosophy group.
  6. Type up and publish the response I got from my local MP from the letter I sent her and published on this blog.
  7. Start planning my campaign for a National Veterinary Health Service.
  8. Work on my plans for the mental health service user involvement project.
  9. Begin Operation Global Takeover.
I, perhaps, shouldn't have added that last item.  Oh well, LOL.

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