Friday 9 March 2018

Some people just can’t argue nicely

Here’s an exchange I had with a ‘person’ on YouTube on a video ( debating the trial runs being set up in five local areas in the UK to pilot the necessity of photo ID when voting in elections.  The whole point of the discussion was about photo ID (although the video does mention that some of the trials are using non-photo ID) but some people will just ignore the main point being discussed to try to score points as you will see from the exchange I had.

Starting with the initial comment:

you need ID to open a bank account/to Drive/to rent and so on....
the only people that can't get this are illegal immigrants.
and the 3 million mentioned, it is odd because the Government believes there is about 3-4 million people in the UK illegally.
odd that the people who don't have ID/can't afford it ''the people they are defending'' seem to be the ones who shouldn't be here as they are here illegally.

Valen Cook
I currently have a passport because I'm a born and bred UK citizen but it's up for renewal in September this year and I can't afford the fee to do so; so your comment is based on fallacious reasoning and xenophobic zeal.

oh sod off
you have a drivers licence?
bank account??
you have proof you are legally here?...
sorry but i'm not being xenophobic i'm being logical.
only legal people should be allowed to vote, and legal people have passports/driving licence or some form of ID.
i have a drivers licence and i don't drive.
and yes renewing you passport is costly, but to renew your drivers licence is £20.
you don't even need to have a full licence, you can get and hold onto your provisional licence and use that.
sorry but using the card/Xenophobic card on me wont work boy

Valen Cook
Charming.  I'll ignore the low-minded nature of your initial outburst and give my one and only reply to you on each of your points.

No, I don't have a drivers licence because I can't drive - never learned, didn't see the need to.

Yes, I have a bank account but none of my bank accounts provide photo IDs so I don't see why you bring that up because the whole issue is about photo ID.

Yes, it's called a birth certificate.  I did say that I was a born and bred UK citizen so that was a particularly stupid question to ask.

You have assumed that all people who can't provide a photo ID are illegal immigrants which seems to me to be the definition of a xenophobe.

The only part of your rant is that only legal voters (you said "legal people" but, as everyone is a legal person under the law, I'll be generous and assume you meant legal citizen or voter) should be able to vote.  However, not all legal citizens/voters have photo ID or, at least, photo ID that is considered valid (concessionary bus passes are photo ID but aren't considered valid for the purposes of picking up a parcel).  Yes, legal citizens/voters have other forms of ID but then illegal immigrants can have non-photo ID as well but the discussion is about PHOTO ID so, again, I'm not sure why you bring up non-photo ID.

Good for you!  You have a driving licence.  You must be so proud...but not proud enough to drive.

Not everyone has a driving licence.  Not everyone wants one or may have a disability that prohibits them from having one.  Not everyone has the money, even as small an amount as £20, to renew their drivers licence if they have one.  You show an enormous ignorance of the fragility of some people's financial situation.

I think I've proved that the fallacious reasoning and xenophobic cards both apply to your comments.  And, finally, I'm a MAN not a boy.

no you a boy
you are bitching about having ID to vote....sorry but only legal citizens are allowed to vote.
and like i pointed out, the government says there is around 3-4 million illegal immigrants in the UK, the same amount talked about in this video on people who can't afford ID.

also i bet you have a bank account right? need ID for that/open one up.
and as for the £20....not that hard to save up for, cut back on something.
drink/chocolate/crisp and so on.
it's called taking responsibility.
and like i said you can get a provisional licence.
and in some cases the Government will cover the cost..
sorry but you are making excuses up.
oh and i can't drive, i have issues when travailing and in some cases pass out, so i am not allowed to get behind the wheel of a car.
but i have provisional licence for personal ID reasons.
and no not everyone is a legal person under the law, you have
over-stayers/immigrants sneaking into the country and others are not here legally.
and sorry but said it once already BOY...that Card wont work on me.
calling someone a immigrants or legal/illegal immigrants doesn't make someone a racist or Xenophobic.
you are play a pathetic card boy

I won’t offer any more replies as that was my stated position but it does show how low-minded some people can be when confronted with reasonable arguments.  And, to prove that I haven’t edited any of the conversation, I am providing screenshots below.  PLEASE NOTE:  My final reply was too long to be captured in a single screenshot so it’s captured as two photos with the second half including some of the first half to prove there’s no editing.

I would normally respond to such abuse but I’ve reached the age when I just can’t be bothered engaging with abusive morons.